Teresa took us to this really great restaurant one night. The food was so good and the company was even better! Kynsley at every bite of her dinner and then she laid down on the bench and fell asleep. So we sat and chatted for a while!
One thing is for sure Phoenix is HOT!! I could of stayed in the pool the entire week! Kyle really didn't play with Kynsley much in the pool, he already knows how to swim and he spent most of his time diving for his toys! By the end of the week Kynsley had went from her life vest to just arm floaties. She even got the courage to jump in with out anything on her arms or even me in the water...but don't worry I jumped in right after her! She is one brave little girl!
It amazes me how beautiful America really is. I've traveled all of this country and every time I end up in a new town, city, or just a old country road I'm reminded of how blessed we really are to live here. Phoenix has really amazing views. I loved riding along the roads catching glimpse of each site.
Our first time meeting our cousin Chip and his wife, Brandy! They invited us over to their home while we were staying with Chips sister, Teresa. We were able to be there to help celebrate Chips birthday! They have a beautiful home and we enjoyed getting to know them. But Kynsley has renamed Chip to Chippy! She fell right in love with him and they became instants "buddies".
We celebrated with my dads side of the family at Ocean Isle, NC. My uncle fixed a "pig" on the grill and we had all the yummy side items. It was a short weekend but we enjoyed our time together in the pool and on the beach!
I'm a outgoing, country gal! I love the spending time with my amazing husband and beautiful daughter, which the Lord has blessed me with. I love sitting around a board game or a game of cards with family and friends!