We had a few things to take care of at Ft. Bragg so for fun we drove on down to Wilmington. We didn't stay out on the beach long ~ it was really windy! But Kynsley and I pretended to be birds and we chased the sea gulls. Scottie grabbed Kynsley right before the tide came flowing in and he yelled, its going to get you. From then on she was afraid of the water. Every time a wave would come crashing in, she would grab us and say, "hold me". We had the entire beach to ourselves. It was very peaceful and memorable. Once we got back to the car, Scottie realized Kynsley had two fist fulls of sand, she loved playing in it and wanted to take a small handful home.
Hank & Tracie gave Kynsley a Winnie the Pooh backpack full of all kinds of coloring books, crayons, and books for Christmas. She loves carrying it around! The other night she put all of her things away and started telling us all bye, she was going to school. She kept asking Scottie to open the front door, she was going to the bus!
Scottie and I are so proud of Kynsley, our first Sunday back and she went right up there with all the other kids to help sing the songs! Even though we couldn't hear her singing, she kept up by watching Granny Patty do all the motions!
Let me just say it was a Valentines we will never forget! The day before we found out that Kynsley and I made the list to fly out of Ramstein Air Force Base on a Space A flight back to the states. An early release day turned into Scottie arriving at home around 5:30. We packed up the Jeep and headed to base. After grabbing Popeye's Chicken in the drive-thru we found our way to our hotel room(10:30)! Enjoying our romantic dinner on the living room we exchanged cards and Scottie surprised Kynsley with a HUGE box of chocolate candy! Since my cookies at Christmas were such a disaster he bought me a cookbook of cookie recipes! The next morning started early 4:00am we arrived at the terminal only to find out the flight leaving for the states had been delayed from 6:00am to 6:00pm! After taking a little nap in the Jeep we enjoyed breakfast and walked around the BX. The rest of our day was spent waiting to hear if we were going to make the flight out to Baltimore...thanks to all of your prayers~we did! A long flight and a long day waiting but we saved allot of money and we're so thankful we're finally home safe!
Scottie and I hosted along with the Nellis family our first ever Valentines Party! We've had other themed parties before but this was by far the most fun! You know me, lots of Food and Games!
We stared off by letting each couple draw at random 5 pieces of the Heart Converstaion candies! Each couple had 2 minutes to write a paragraph using all 5 candies! The Garlicks had the most creative story!
Next, everyone was handed a piece of paper and had to tear a heart shape out of it behind their backs. We saw lots of great "art work".
All the wives were then blindfolded and the husbands took turns raising their pant legs up...can you guess your husbands legs...this game brought on the most laughs!
We all got in one long line, and passed a grapefruit, it took Scottie and I forever to get this for some reason, and only once was the grapefruit dropped(can we say we all got a lil' close.
Our last game was the most personal. Scottie and I hosted the Newlywed game! Chad and Kristy Ellis were the grand prize winners!
The whole afternoon was filled with lots of laughs and LOVE! The day ended with none other than Catch Phrase, we can't all get together without someone asking to play it! We never got through a complete round but we had a great time!
Scottie takes so much PRIDE in his uniform! Even though he can't "shine" his boots he still takes the time to give them a detailed clean! Kynsley grabbed a toothbrush and helped out with the scrubbing!
What a great surprise! We were thinking the soldiers wouldn't make it back from the field until Saturday! We were so happy to get a phone call yesterday. We arrived to pick daddy up and after happy tears ~ Megan took this photo of our family! As always our afternoon and evening was filled with joyous hugs and kisses! Kynsley was so happy to have daddy home!
I'm a outgoing, country gal! I love the spending time with my amazing husband and beautiful daughter, which the Lord has blessed me with. I love sitting around a board game or a game of cards with family and friends!