Our friends got a new puppy last week! He is so adorable, a Jack Russell. They named him Deacon, because they are HUGE Wake Forest Demon Deacon fans!
When I was giving him kisses I noticed something familar about his back...do you see what I see? Thanks Lauren and Ryan for letting us come over and play with your new puppy! He is too cute!
Since the kids were out of school we had Lyric and Malachi all day! Maggie also got to come along...the adopted grandchild! Ganny Patty enjoyed her day with all her grandkids! We went out to dinner at Sagebrush and Kynsley was fasinated with the choo-choo train that circles the resturant. We also went shopping and oh yeah lots of hugs all day!
Daisy's boys are so adorable and funny I might add! Its just too cute some of the things they say. We went out to dinner with them on Friday! I love those boys and I know Daisy and Ben do too! I was so happy we got to spend time with them and we all got to be together....we're too Hot mamas riding around in the mama mobile!!!!
I just love my girls! We had alot of fun together! We went to a photography studio and had photos taken. We laughed through the entire session, Sarah thought we were going to die! But they turned out just wonderful and we can't wait unitl the pictures come in. The ones of us on the couch were taken our last night together...lots of laughs, and tears! I never dreamed it would be so hard for me to leave! But it was....I was devastated!! But I know I'll get to see them again soon! I LOVE YOU GIRLY GIRLS!
We had anti-Thanksgiving at Adam and Kenny's home on Thursday afternoon. Adam made bread and coffee cake from scratch. It was so yummy! Then we ordered take out from a local Chinese resturant! Thats right...NO turkey! I felt like Charlie Brown with out the popcorn and jelly beans! I sat around with Bob and Bobby and watched football. Kenny slept and Adam and the grandmas stayed in the kitchen area! Kynsley loved Kenny and he showed her how to do flips! Grandma Cecile and Grandma Ibby both got to meet Kynsley for the first time! Grandma Cecile brought Kynsley a lil' purse full of toys...which she played with on the long flight home! She also had a book made and the story has Kynsley's name in it! It was a lil' weird being with the Penney's with Scottie not there...just a piece of me was missing! But we hope all of you near and far had a wonderful Thanksgiving! `
Sarh and Caleb opened their home for a Pizza Party on Wednesday night! I invited a few of Scotts buddies to come over to spend time with us! Everyone enjoyed the time with Kynsley and she wasn't shy at all. Thanks everyone for coming!
I'm a outgoing, country gal! I love the spending time with my amazing husband and beautiful daughter, which the Lord has blessed me with. I love sitting around a board game or a game of cards with family and friends!