She may look like her daddy but she has my personality..she is a happy baby! We love getting her to laugh. Its so amazing seeing life through her. All the different faces she makes...she already has us wrapped around her tiny fingers!
I hate Valentines, its seems I have some kind of curse on me and this "holiday". I plan on spending the day with Kynsley, she had four shots this morning and she has been a little sad. It broke my heart this morning in the doctor office when Scottie and I had to hold her down. Scottie took us out for breakfast and then he had to go to work. So I'm blessed to spend the day with the True Love of my Life, my little princess!
Things in Orlando are going well. I love getting to stay home with Kynsley. I mostly enjoy seeing her face when we go to new places. Sounds she hears, senses she smells, sights she sees, all for the first time in her life. Life through a child is amazing. She is so full of personality, she gets that from me, her looks, well she gets that from her daddy! We're so blessed to have our angel her with us on earth.
I'm such a beach bum, so I was so excited to take Kynsley to the beach. The water was a little bit too cold to dip her feet in but we still enjoyed our time there. Scotts parents and brother Adam were in town. We walked along the boardwalk and visited Daytona International Speedway.
I'm a outgoing, country gal! I love the spending time with my amazing husband and beautiful daughter, which the Lord has blessed me with. I love sitting around a board game or a game of cards with family and friends!